Lewis Vandervalk

Dead Bears and Sad Park Rangers

Lewis Vandervalk • July 9, 2024

What do Dead Bears have to do with Marketing?

A brown bear is standing next to a tree in the woods Illustrates the Issues between marketing and hunting

“Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does.”

Steuart Henderson Britt

What do park rangers, bears, and business owners have in common?

I'll get to that in a second, but do you know what a park ranger's least favorite part of their job is?

Not the bugs, the heat, the long hours, or the loneliness..

It's all the dead bears.

Here's why. Campers and hikers feed the bears yummy snack bars as they pass through.

Bears eat the food.
They develop a liking for the snack bars. A craving. A NEED.

They then forget how to hunt.

Now, they get way more nutrition and dopamine from a snack bar than fish.

When the campers leave for the season, they die.

Park rangers have to clean up the bear bodies.

No park ranger likes to do that.

Bears -> Business owners who have bought into the idea that marketing companies can bring in ALL their leads.

Campers -> Marketing agencies who sell the bears on this idea.

Bears are hunters by nature.

Business owners should be, too.

Marketing agencies want you to sit back and get rich on the dreams of leads pouring in every month from SEO, Google ads, SMS Campaigns, etc.

That's not how it works.
Those are just tools.


Use the tools, but for the love of all things good in this world, stop debating which tool is better.

They all have a purpose.

But you are so fixated on the flavor of snack bar (leads) from marketing agencies (campers) that most of you have forgotten how to hunt.

Many of you never learned how to hunt because you just dove right into the stache of snack bars..

Get out there and hunt.

Deploy your tools (marketing techniques) as it makes sense.

But for goodness sake, stop arguing about which snack bar is better.

Or, like a naive park-fed bear, you will die when things get tough...

Watering plants symbolizing
By Lewis Vandervalk June 23, 2023
In March of 2020 the world was coming crashing down around us, and my new marketing agency was struggling to grow. Not for lack of opportunity, but due to my desperation mindset that was driving every conversation. Every prospect who reached out to me was steered quickly into the I-Want-To-Make-Money-Off-You conversation. And they ran away as quickly as they came. Seriously, it was like I was fishing for eels with butter on my hands. Not a lot of results to show for my calls.
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